Yeah if my worry could solve all my problems, then I’d worry all day long.
The heart of GOD loves man, it’s His creation. We make Him wonder. Although He is Our Wonder.
Creation should obey GOD, if they don’t it’s considered rebellion. The trees look up for food.
GOD, such a majesty. What a King. What He says is what it is. There is no further debate on His end.
Our creation can never match His. We can never catch up with His technology.
Greater things we will do, but not greater than the One who invented the word Great.
The waters part when He passes. They divide on his accord. They will listen to Him and Him alone.
The LORD OF HOSTS is His Name.
Angels follow Him like a troop in front and at the back. He hosts them.
Nature is terrified at His presence. The mountains quake at His sight. Can you imagine that?
The whole weight of the world was put on One. Yet, He carried it like it was nothing.
My shoulders break at this, yours will break at this, but His didn’t…(my thoughts on this)
The noise follows Him, but He’s not in the noise. They surround Him but never in Him.
The LORD sustains and makes whole. He knows how to touch us where we need to be.
The LORD is good. It’s who He is. It’s His nature. It’s in Him. It’s Him.
JESUS went to Hell for us.
It should have been us in those ancient gates. Imprisoned for eternity. Wrapped up in fire for life.
It should have been us held captive by the gates of sin — it should have been us condemned to eternity’s doom
But the King of Glory showed up and defied all the rules written by He Who made them Himself.
“The people that wrote it write by the Holy Spirit, they were not just fables, but a revelation of what happened.”
The day the public show of the enemies was made. That day is as real as what today is.
The LORD knows exactly what we need and at the right time. He knows how to comfort us where we need it most.
GOD is surrounded everywhere around us. How do I know this? Because he made ALL THINGS.
He’s everywhere, all at once. We cannot escape from Him, even in our minds He’s still there.
He made everything in such a way that we would never be separated from Him even if we chose to be.
He made this sure and evident in His works and His creation. He made sure of this. Knowingly.
We could lie and pretend, but the trees don’t. The birds, the skies, the clouds don’t!!
Nature screams ‘GODDDD’ in a way we cannot explain but remain in awe. I heard something somewhere :
“The sky looks so beautiful and pure because it’s the only place humans haven’t polluted….unlike the land”.
That saying has remained with me ever since. There is a deep truth to it. Everything humans touch goes bad.
It goes bad; sometimes because we have evil in us. We want what we want. “The heart wants what it wants” (your favorite singer once said)
Nature stays as a soft reminder in case you forget that there’s a creator who exists and is very real to behold.
He gives life and color to the plants — the trees he makes in such a way that can never fully be duplicated.
He’s not a fake. He’s an Original. His ideas are original. He’s the real Original. We are inspired by.
I was on the bus and I pondered what to do with my time before getting to my destination.
It was one of those days where I told myself “You know what? I’m not gonna get any movie to watch on the bus.
I’m gonna probably be okay with the music I have and not a movie. And yeah! I got on the bus and didn’t feel the need for the music (at least not entirely)
Then I remembered the words of my brother one day I left my headphones at home.
And he said, “Try to stay with your thoughts, silently”. Honestly, I thought that was a great idea.
Only that I wasn’t gonna do it. At least not yet. So. This day comes and I’m thinking, is the day that I try that method of staying with my thoughts till I get to where I was going?
I was open-minded now. The journey started. It was going fine. And I thought to myself. I could use a good movie right now.
Then I heard the voice “Didn’t you say you were going to stay with your thoughts”
My mind already calculated how I was gonna watch a movie; mind you, all this while I’m not connected. (So my reasons are all valid) to not get bored!
I thought “Oh yeah” I’ve got a flash drive with a movie on it, my laptop is here, what’s stopping me? Sure, ain’t the wifi or lack of connection. I’ve got all I need.
I looked up after I heard the voice- to the trees and yeah I said “They’re all the same to look at”, and I heard the voice “No trees are made the same”.
I mean, I wouldn’t know this for sure, but if I got up to look at them closely one after the other, then I would have a sure proof for this.
The inspiration and this story jumped at me. I can finish this work just because I decided to stay with my thoughts at first and look at the trees.
It became interesting. It reminded me of so many things. Just looking at the trees as the car moved provokes so many emotions at once. How powerful.
They reminded me of many beautiful things and places, but one of these stood out for me, and His name is GOD.